01/6Here are some perks of being engaged for a long time

You get to have a fiance for longer: Soon, you'll get to be somebody's wife so why not enjoy that fiance stage while it lasts? Plus, it's all the more fun to tell someone that you're engaged and then show off that ring of yours. And wouldn't you like it if you were introduced as someone's fiance?

by Alisha Alam

02/6The ring

Of course, one of the best things about being engaged is the ring. And well, of course, it's going to be there after your wedding too but nobody will come running to stare at it then. So show it off while you can and flaunt those pretty hands of yours.

by Alisha Alam

03/6Time to plan everything

Lots of people tend to rush things once they get married, but we say what's the rush? Take your time and plan things the way you want. This way you'll be able to pick the right venue, the right decor and pretty much everything. Plus, if you book things way in advance you'll get them for a lot cheaper too.

by Alisha Alam

04/6You'll get to live all the lasts the way you want

Often people end up celebrating their last single birthday or Diwali before knowing it was their last. And had they known it would be, maybe they would have done things differently. So, if you wait some time before you get married, you'll get to celebrate all your lasts the way you want.

by Alisha Alam

05/6Time to get to know the family

Now, you'll finally get to know if your to-be saas is going to be the adarsh saas that you get to see on TV or like Jennifer Lopez's mother-in-law from 'Monster-in-law'. Well, it'll also give you ample amount of time to figure out how to best deal with her. Isn't that great?

by Alisha Alam

06/6Lots and lots of romance

Your courtship period is pretty much like your honeymoon period. Not only will you be pampered you'll be downright spoilt and made to feel so loved you'll feel amazing. Imagine late night movies, long drives, romantic dates and so much more. So, enjoy all this before all the responsibilities take a hold of you.

by Alisha Alam