Did you know these trending fad diets are super unhealthy for your body?

Alisha Alam | Updated: May 7, 2020, 13:52 IST
In today's world, we only want things that are fast-paced. And while being fast-paced may work with other things, what people don't understand is that it can't work with their diet. These days we've spotted a lot of fad diets that claim they can give you the weight-loss results you desire and they can do it 'fast'. But the thing is, how safe are these 'fast' diets? Things could very well go wrong for you if you opt for a diet based only on the fact that it will give you quick results and many nutritionists think so too. So, here are a few trending fad diets you must be aware of because they're super unhealthy for you.

The GAPS diet: This diet basically focuses on eliminating certain food groups such as all fibres, pasteurized milk, starchy vegetables, and sifted carbohydrates. And instead, you're supposed to consume fish, eggs, stews, and fermented food while also taking probiotics, digestive enzymes, and cod liver oil. This is supposed to help out with digestive issues and ensure that nutrients from food are absorbed by your gut thus leaving you healthy physically and mentally. However, omitting so many food groups could put you at risk of malnutrition. So, be wary of this diet.

IIFYM diet: This diet helps count your macros and leaves you with instructions on your daily infusion of carbohydrates and proteins. It basically gives you a personalised diet based on your macro intake and not the ratio of food. But once again, there's nothing to help figure out whether this diet works or not and in the end you might just end up falling sick due to it.

Reverse Dieting: This diet basically involves gradually increasing your calorie intake to help boost your metabolism and help your body learn how to burn more calories. It is done over a period of several weeks or months and is common amongst bodybuilders and physique athletes. However, it has shown no proper benefits for regular people who want to lose weight. The diet essentially helps one maintain their weight rather than lose it, so it might not even be helpful for regular people.

Well, now that you know just how useless so many fad diets can be, we suggest you always take help from a professional instead of just opting to go on a weird fad diet on your own. Stay tuned for more updates.

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