01/5Natural ingredients that will work wonders in colouring your hair

Anyone who has ever got their hair coloured knows just how much of a task it is. It takes a long time (anywhere between three to five hours) and it costs a bomb (you'll easily end up spending around Rs 3000-4000). So not only is it tedious but it can also burn a hole in your pocket. And then what if you don't like the end result? That's just money wasted, right? So, if you want to give your hair a different tint but don't want to waste too much money, time or damage your hair, you should opt for natural ingredients. These ones will work wonders in colouring your hair.

by Alisha Alam

02/5Henna to the rescue!

We're sure you already know that henna can be used to colour your hair. In fact, you might have even seen your mum and grandmum use it. You need to mix half a cup of henna powder with 1/4 cup of water. Stir until a thick paste is formed. Use a brush to apply the henna from the roots of your hair to the tips. Cover your hair in a shower cap and let it sit for 4-6 hours. Wash your hair with water and apply some conditioner.

03/5Chamomile tea for the win!

Chamomile tea can help lighten your hair colour. Boil 5 teabags of chamomile in some water and let them brew for about 30 minutes. Cool the tea and add it to a cup of plain yoghurt. Mix well and apply it all over your hair and let it sit for an hour. Wash it off with cold water afterwards.

04/5Coffee is the queen!

Did you know coffee could help cover up those greys and could also help add dimension to your hair? Brew some strong black coffee and add two scoops of leave-in conditioner as well as two tablespoons of coffee grounds. Mix well and apply this mixture to your hair. Let it sit for an hour and rinse it off with some apple cider vinegar solution.

05/5Beets are so sweet!

Beets can help add a slightly reddish tinge to your hair. For this one, you need a glass of carrot juice and a glass of beet juice. Mix these two and apply the juice all over your hair and scalp. Cover your hair for about 3-4 hours and then rinse it off with cold water.