Difference between body mist and perfume: What’s better for summer?

Sneha Biswas | Apr 27, 2020, 17:02 IST
While some people tend to sweat throughout the year, for others high temperature and humidity of summer days can trigger excessive sweating. What comes with perspiration is the strong odour that no one likes! Yikes! It is the reason why most of us tend to happily avoid overcrowded places in summer. Not only sweating is disgusting and gross, but also not-so-great for personal hygiene. From underlying medical conditions to highly active sweat glands, there are so many reasons that can be contributing to your bad body smell. We understand that it can be disturbing having to deal with body odour and that’s why people tend to take some help from body mists and perfumes. However, there still exists a confusing between these two fragrances-body mist and perfume. Are you still thinking which one is better for you?

Perfume or Eau de Parfum is comparatively high in concentration of fragrance oils. It is extracted from herbs and flowers and blended into a combination of water, fragrance and alcohol. On the other side, body mists are more like body water or splash with a lighter concentration of perfume oil. The blend of body mists contains more water and lesser fragrance oil/alcohol. Body mists give you a lighter aroma that can linger for a few hours only.

Although perfumes and scents are very personal and one must select what suits them the best, perfume is more useful for people who want their fragrance to last for a long time. For people who can’t tolerate heavy scents can give body mists a try. Body mists are comparatively cheap and easy on the skin due to low alcohol content.

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