01/5These asanas will calm your stress levels at home

From office stress to personal problems, the hustle-bustle of daily life can cause too much to deal with. This can lead to numerous health problems, including anxiety. Anxiety has become more common in young adults and often go unnoticed. It can affect one's behaviour and cause a severe impact on daily activities, such as food habits, lifestyle, and sleep. Once confirmed, the treatment of anxiety can start with a few simple yoga postures. Take a look!

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by Sneha Biswas

02/5Baddha Konasana

It is one of the simplest yoga postures that help to stretch the inner thighs and groin. All you have to do is keep your back straight and relax while stretching your thighs to release the tension.

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03/5Setu bandhasana

This asana along with increasing blood circulation also helps to get rid of body ache and back pain. This helps to release tension between the muscles of the body and calm the mind. You will feel energised!

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Ustrasana pose is meant to increase the overall blood circulation of the body. This ensures an increased level of oxygen which in return de-stresses the body and the mind.

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This pose focuses on the legs and spine. To begin with, take deep breaths as you bend forward to relax your body. Don’t forget to focus on your mind and pay attention to the rhythm of your breathing.

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