DIY beauty products you should try out during the lockdown!

Alisha Alam | Apr 30, 2020, 22:00 IST
Now that we're all stuck indoors due to the dreaded coronavirus lockdown, why not take all this time on your hands to do something creative that will also contribute to your skincare and beauty routine? You can try and make your own skincare products right at home with a bunch of ingredients and not only will you have fun but you'll end up saving a trip to the market and you'll save some money too! Here are some DIY beauty and skincare products you should try during the lockdown.

Cleansing wipes: You'll need 2 cups distilled water, 1 tablespoon melted coconut oil or fractionated coconut oil, 5 drops Malealuca essential oil, 5 drops Grapefruit essential oil, few drops of vitamin e or aloe and an Old, clean t-shirt or towel. Mix all the ingredients together while you cut up the towel or t-shirt into small squares. Then place the squares into the solution and let it soak up the mixture. Store it in your fridge for a set of cool wipes to cleanse your skin with!

Coffee face wash: For this one, you'll need 1/2 cup brewed coffee (cooled) and 1/2 cup liquid castile soap. Mix these two together, stir well and transfer in a bottle. Your coffee face wash is ready to use. It'll gently exfoliate your skin and give you a beautiful glow.

Shaving cream: Ran out of shaving cream at home? Try this recipe. Take 2 Tbsp coconut oil, 2 Tbsp carrier oil (sweet almond, jojoba, etc.), 1/4 cup shea butter, 1/4 cup honey, 2 Tbsp baking soda, 1/4 cup castile soap, 2 vitamin E capsules, 1 Tbsp bentonite clay and 10-20 drops essential oils. Mix all these ingredients well and then put them in the blender to turn them into a soft butter-like texture. Store the mixture in an airtight container and use when required.

Try these DIYs out and see how well they work. Stay tuned for more updates.
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