01/6Here's the meaning behind these beauty labels

These days skincare brands come up with products that cater to everyone since people have different types of skin, hair and so on. So, it becomes all the more important for you to pick up products that will actually suit you. Or else you'll just end up wasting money on products that won't do you any good. That's why it's important for you to read the labels on products before you invest in them. And if you're someone who's unfamiliar with what these labels mean, here's a guide for you to go through. Take a look.

by Alisha Alam


This is also a term that we've been seeing quite often on beauty and skincare products so if you're wondering what this stands for, it refers to ingredients that are produced by organic agriculture. This means they were grown without the use of chemicals or pesticides and are thus free from any harmful components.


We're sure most of you don't know what these letters stand for. Well, fret not, we're here to tell you that PAO means 'Period After Opening' which is basically the amount of time you can use the product after opening. You'll notice how some products even have a bold 'M' written on them which is basically the number of months you can use the product after opening it.


Initially, a lot of skincare products used parabens which were ingredients that had antibacterial and antifungal properties. However, they also had drawbacks like leading to excessive oestrogen production in the body which could cause cancer in women and lower fertility in men. They even caused allergies and led to inflammation for some people. And hence now most products are paraben-free, so keep a look for these products.


You might have already heard of this term before since it's pretty popular by now. Non-comedogenic refers to products that will not cause comedones like blackheads and whiteheads. Basically, they don't clog your pores so if you have oily or acne-prone skin then you should opt for such products since they'll get absorbed in your skin and will let it breathe too.


Now, this just feels like a word people use in spelling-bee contests, doesn't it? Well, this term means that the product is less likely to cause any sort of allergic reaction so it's perfect for people with ultra-sensitive skin. However, you should always opt for a patch test first and if not ask an expert before using these products.