01/9Tweaks you should make to your skincare routine if you suffer from breakouts

People with oily skin or dry skin can't even come close to imagining what it feels like when people have breakout-prone skin. Acne and blemishes are no joke. It becomes a huge task to pick out the right kind of products for your skin. What's more, you always need to be careful that the products you pick don't end up exaggerating your breakouts even more. That's where you need to realise that opting for certain skincare tweaks will help your skin steer clear of acne and breakouts. Wondering what those tweaks are? Take a look.

by Alisha Alam

02/9Always double cleanse

People with acne-prone skin should ensure to always double cleanse their skin. Doing so can get rid of any excess bacteria, oil, sebum or even makeup residue left behind. Plus, it'll leave your skin clear and will let it breathe.

03/9Ensure to never us expired products

Yes, if you're not aware of this, let us tell you that makeup products do expire and hanging on to them after they've expired is a big no-no. While they can cause damage in general, for people with acne-prone skin the results can be even worse like infections and scarring. So, make sure to toss out anything that's in your vanity past its expiry date.

04/9Prep your skin

One of the best things you can do to keep your skin looking clean and clear is to prep it the right way. Exfoliate your skin on a regular basis and moisturise it every day so that you end up with radiant and glowing skin. Make sure to use a mild exfoliant so that you don't end up exaggerating the breakouts on your skin.

05/9Use a light hand

Most people think that when you have acne or breakouts you need to use excess foundation to cover it up. On the contrary, this ends up putting all the focus on the breakouts. Make sure to use a light hand when you apply your foundation and concealer for a natural look.

06/9Keep things simple

Yes, we're aware that you're supposed to use certain products in certain ways but when you have breakout-prone skin, you need to ensure that you're using the 'less is more' approach. Rather than slathering on a ton of different products onto your skin, you need to ensure that you're using only a few that work best for you.

07/9Use non-comedogenic products

Makeup can work wonders if you're looking to cover up those spots or acne blemishes but when choosing your makeup products, you need to ensure that they're non-comedogenic in nature. These products don't clog your pores so you can rest assured that you won't suffer from more breakouts if you opt for these.

08/9Do a smear test

Not all of us can afford to keep calling up our dermatologists for every product we want to pick up. But that doesn't mean that you can't figure out whether a product suits you or it doesn't. All you need to do is opt for a tester. Apply this product to one patch of your skin for at least a week and see how it reacts to your skin. This way you'll know whether it works for you or not.

09/9Start using LHA products

Lipohydroxy acid (LHA) is like salicylic acid, except, it's stronger. Try to look for products that contain LHAs as these products will be anti-inflammatory in nature, thus keeping breakouts and acne at bay. Plus, you'll end up with clearer looking skin too.