Doing these things on a daily basis can work as an exercise for you

Alisha Alam | Jan 22, 2019, 16:01 IST
When we talk about exercising or going to the gym, we forget one important thing. Exercise ultimately is the movement of the body in ways that will help keep your body fit. It doesn't matter how you do it as long as you incorporate it into your daily routine. So, while you may think that your body only gets enough exercise if you hit the gym, what if we told you that there are certain things which you might be doing on a daily basis that already classify as exercise? Here are a few of those things:

Cleaning your house: Vacuuming, dusting, mopping and pretty much everything else that you do when you clean your house can help burn as many as 330 calories per hour. And if you live in a house with a staircase, trust us you're probably getting more exercise than you need.

Grocery shopping: Do you have any idea how much you end up walking when you head to a mall to shop for groceries? Add to that all the heavy items in your trolley that you need to push around and you'll end up with a proper workout session.

Mowing the lawn: This requires quite some energy too. And if you don't have an electric lawnmower, then you know that the struggle is real. If you use a traditional lawnmower for about 30 minutes you'll easily end up burning about 114 calories.

Gardening: Planting, weeding, mulching and whatnot while squatting can get you to burn those calories faster than you can gain them. Doing just one day of gardening can actually amount to your weekly strength training.

Well, you can say goodbye to the gym now. And opt for these natural exercises instead. Stay tuned for more updates.

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