Doing this exercise can help make you mentally strong, study states

Alisha Alam | Sep 14, 2019, 12:50 IST
No matter how much we deny it, at some point in our lives, we've all been through a low-phase that's left us with severe anxiety. It could be the loss of a loved one, a failed relationship, a career-low or even just the fact that you might have had a terrible day. All of these things can make us feel super negative and more often than not we tell ourselves that there's nothing we can really do about it.

So, what if we told you that all the answers actually lie within you? More often than not, people tend to have the mentality of dealing with things when they happen. For example, most people prefer to 'Cross that bridge when we'll get there' instead of dealing with their emotions beforehand. So when a problematic situation arises, we end up feeling stuck and in a place from where there is no escape.

Darius Foroux who is the author of 'What It Takes To Be Free and Think Straight' firmly believes that one can deal with any sort of situation if they're prepared for it. He also says that the best time to do it is when you're feeling great about things instead of when you've hit an all-low crisis.

For the exercise, he suggests sitting or lying down comfortably in a room. Then he says to picture a loved one and all the fond memories you have of them. Picture someone calling you and relaying news of their death to you. Now, take in all of that sadness and let yourself feel all the things you're supposed to feel.

When you opt for exercises like these, they tend to help make you mentally prepared for the worst outcome. It helps make you mentally stronger so that when something does go bad, it doesn't impact you so harshly. However, it is also important to remember not to overdo things as you don't want to get stuck in an unwanted loop of misery.

Doing this exercise will also remind you to be grateful for all the things that you have and for just being able to deal with things peacefully. Stay tuned for more updates.
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