Don't go on an emotional eating spree, it will do you no good

Dhwani Vora | Jun 21, 2019, 12:07 IST
It's true that we eat to satisfy the body's needs and hunger, but it's also true that many of us eat to cope up with stress, anger, depression or simply boredom. And this is what is called emotional eating.

There is just so much information on the Internet on why you should be eating healthy and making healthy eating choices even when you're having a roller-coaster of emotions flowing in. Whenever that particular mood starts kicking in, it's always safe to reach out for a fruit or yogurt as they're considered healthy and easily available. If you've always maintained eating junk food when you're emotional, it only ends up messing up with your body. So make sure you stay away from pizzas, burgers, fried snacks or desserts. Don't give in to the kind of foods that look tempting and which can cause you health issues.

Now, if you're wondering why unhealthy eating habits during this time is bad for you, you need to read this. First things first, you aren't eating because you're hungry but because your mind needs it to feel good about yourself. And emotional eating spree will only make you regret all of it later on and complicate your problems even more. Junk food gives you unnecessary empty calories and is only a quick fix not a permanent solution. So if you think emotional eating is going to solve your problems, you're absolutely wrong.

Hence, to fix your emotional eating, stop keeping tempting food around or handy. Always fill your pantry and fridge with healthy foods like fruits and veggies, dairy, etc. Go find the root cause of what triggered you, bring a solution to it and find other ways to get over it.

Food should never be used mindlessly or as a solution to emotional issues. Eat only when you feel the urge to and eat healthy, rationalize what goes inside your body. Wholesome meals work wonders for a healthy body and you should stop eating when you're already full.
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