01/6All the ways in which you can fill your brows easily if you're a beginner

Your makeup can pretty much make or break your entire look. And we all know that having the perfect makeup look on requires opting for eye makeup too. While we focus on our lashes and eyelids the most, we often tend to neglect our eyebrows in the process. But let us tell you, ladies, that if your eyebrows aren't on fleek, then it might just ruin your entire makeup look. So, if you're a beginner and you're wondering just how to fill your brown in with ease, here are some tips that'll help.

by Alisha Alam

02/6Basic brow pencil

One of the easiest ways to fill in your brows without making them look OTT is to opt for the basic brow pencil. The good thing about them is that they're not as dark as most other products so, to begin with, you can use them for practice and then move on to other products one your hand is set on your brows.

03/6Brow Powder or Eyeshadow

An alternative to the brow pencil is brow shadow when it comes to products that are easy to apply. You'll need a black, brown or grey-hued eyeshadow or brow powder and an angular brush that will help you fill out your brows with ease.

04/6Brow Pomade

If precision and accuracy is your middle name then a brow pomade is what you'll need. It does require a bit of patience and quite a lot of practice but once you get the hang of it, it can really up your brow game and ensure your brows are on fleek!

05/6Brow Mascara

Did you know that there also exists mascara for your brows? Well, now you do. Much like your eyelash mascara, your eyebrow mascara comes in a gel-like form with a spoolie brush that you can use to draw multiple-precise strokes on your brows. And the best part is that it looks all au-natural.

06/6Dried out mascara

This one is for all you girls who don't want to invest in a whole new product. Just opt for an old dried-out mascara and brush the spoolie across your eyebrows until it leaves the appropriate amount of tint on your brows.