01/8Korean beauty hacks that you should absolutely put to use

Lately, we've seen a rise in Korean beauty products and skincare routines as well. People have been loving how the Korean products work like magic and the kind of results that we get to see after using them. But that's all about the skincare and hair care products. We now have a few simple Korean beauty hacks that you can very much put to use while at home and make your skin feel healthy, fresh and radiant. You might have seen how Korean people have such a clear, glowing and glass like skin. You can very much achieve it too if you religiously follow these simple tips and tricks and put some effort into maintaining your skin.

by Dhwani Vora

02/8Opt for a steam massage in the shower

Turn your shower session into a steam massage session. Once you're done with your shower, use the steam to massage your face gently in circular motions for 4-5 minutes. The steam will help open your pores and will also help boost blood circulation.

Picture courtesy: Google images

03/8Use a washcloth to exfoliate

Take a washcloth and soak it in some warm water. Once soaked, squeeze the cloth and remove all the excess water. Then, use this cloth to exfoliate your skin all over your face. Be as gentle as possible so as to not damage your skin.

Picture courtesy: Google images

04/8Drink some barley tea

Barley tea happens to be packed with antioxidants and can also improve blood circulation so it'll help flush out toxins from your system and leave you with beautiful and radiant looking skin.

Picture courtesy: Google images

05/8Massage the face

Massaging the face is the best way to make your face look fresh and feel fresh too. You can simply apply some moisturizer on your skin and gently give your face a massage using circular motions. This will not only moisturize your skin in a better way but also increase the blood flow.

06/8Mouth exercising

Did you know that the simplest way to improve blood circulation in your face skin is to practice mouth exercising? Rendering vowels will engage your facial muscles and tighten the skin which ultimately prevents sagging.

07/8Oil your lips

If you think you don't like applying chap stick or lipstick throughout the day, make use of olive oil, avocado oil or simply coconut oil. It will keep your lips looking naturally rosy pink and also give you zero stickiness.

08/8Overnight face mask

The night sleep repairs our skin to a great extent and that is the ideal time for you to make use of a sleeping mask that acts like a super boost to your otherwise tired skin. This mask will hydrate your skin in just the night's time and give you smooth skin in no time.