Easy things to do for keeping smelly feet at bay

Dhwani Vora | Oct 20, 2019, 16:40 IST
It's really embarrassing when your feet smells after you take them off of your shoes, right? It's such a disgusting smell that you can't get rid of unless and until you wash your feet. But that's not always possible and then you're left with being embarrassed each time you remove them in a crowd. One major reason of this is because you have sweaty feet. And when you wear closed shoes, there's automatically more sweat which makes it even more difficult for you to not have smelly feet. Another reason is the heat due to which your shoes tend to get damp and warm which adds up to the bacteria and fungi. In such cases, we all feel like avoiding a situation like this and so, we've got you a few solutions which will definitely help you in getting rid of smelly feet.

- Wash your feet as many times as you can through the day just so you can have clean feet each time you slide them in your shoes. Also, clean them on the mat each time you wear your footwear so that you remove all the bacteria from your feet which otherwise continues to the odour.

- Clean your shoes. Chances are that the shoes that you've been wearing have loads of bacteria which starts to make your shoes stink. You need to wash your shoes and the insoles and let them dry in the sun in order to kill all the bacteria. Doing this will also make your shoes last longer.

- Another way to avoid smelly feet is to soak your feet in half a cup of vinegar that is mixed with a bucket full of warm or cold water, however you like it. Vinegar is acidic and so it helps in killing the bacteria which keeps the odour at bay.

- You can use some baking powder or cornstarch that will help in keeping the foot odour at bay. Just sprinkle some of it on your feet before you wear your socks. You can even sprinkle some on you shoes.

- If your feet are wet, don't wear your shoes. Blow-dry your feet with some heat or air dry them before you slide the in your socks or shoes.
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