Easy tips on making a healthy meal plan that manages weight and controls blood sugar

Dhwani Vora | Apr 18, 2019, 13:23 IST
People who suffer from type 2 diabetes know the real pain of keeping their carbohydrates in check. Because carbohydrates break down into glucose and can impact on their blood sugar levels. Carbs are sure very essential for people and knowing what food to eat in what quantity only makes the management of diabetes easier than difficult. This is why, diabetes patients need to maintain a diet that will help them control both blood sugar as well as weight and also prevent usual complications that diabetes can cause.

A diabetes meal should be a balanced one which includes whole grains that are rich in protein, fibre, vegetables and fruits and antioxidants that tones down the disease as well as improves health. Apart from complex carbs, these diets should also include fats that are healthy, that come from seeds, nuts, olive oil and fatty fish.

You're wrong if you think fats are not important. They're very much necessary to make sure you consume all the nutrients to balance your meal. This brings us here to share a few tips on how to create a healthy eating plan which will help you manage weight, blood sugar levels and also control the risk factors of heart diseases like high blood pressure and cholesterol.

Read these guidelines for a healthy meal plan:

- Having regular meals is very important. Pay extra attention in serving size and carb content. You should consult your dietitian or healthcare professional on how to measure food proportion sizes and pick healthy options while you prepare for them.

- You should be consuming a variety of nutritious foods in every meal that includes a good amount of proteins, whole grains, healthy fats as well as low-fat dairy.

- Fibre-rich fruits and vegetables are also very necessary in every meal.

- Drink enough water and opt for calori-free liquids like unsweetened coffee or tea.

- You should avoid trans fats that are found in processed and baked foods.

- Also avoid saturated fats from animal protein sources which include beef, butter, bacon, sausage and hot dogs, and high-fat dairy products.

- It is very important to limit your sodium intake. It is usually recommended to settle for less than 2,300 mg of sodium a day but you should still consult your doctor about its reduction if you have high blood pressure.

- It is your doctor or dietitian who can really help you make a healthy meal plan according to your lifestyle and that will help you manage your diabetes well.

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