Eggs won't have an adverse effect on heart if eaten in moderation

Dhwani Vora | May 22, 2019, 11:19 IST
Do you know what causes heart issues the most? High cholesterol. It is the main factor that ends up giving heart attack or heart stroke because high levels of cholesterol lines up the walls of the arteries and tends to block them. Due to this, the flow of the blood is disrupted to the heart. In such cases, nutritionists and doctors advice's to not eat food items that can risk you high levels of cholesterol. One of such food that contains good dietary cholesterol is eggs where it's all stored in the yolk. And because of that, heart patients are often told to stay away from eggs or just eat the egg whites.

Although, eggs provides you with man health benefits which cannot be overlooked. Not to forget, eggs carry so many important nutrients which are very much needed to function a healthy body. And since there are more positives to eggs than negatives, you almost go in a dilemma of whether to eat or avoid eggs.

A study carried by researchers at the University of Eastern Finland claims that one egg a day or moderate amounts of dietary cholesterol doesn't harm the heart or lead to a heart stroke. For a matter of fact, people who have a greater effect of dietary cholesterol on serum cholesterol levels also can safely eat eggs as well as other types of foods that has middling content of cholesterol.

One egg contains almost 200 mg of cholesterol. But a study conducted on 1959 men ranging from the age of 42 to 60, consumed 520 gm of dietary cholesterol. Most of which came from eggs and still, it couldn't be ascertained that egg consumption could be the only reason for heart stroke. Hence, it is safe to say that people having issues related to cardiovascular diseases could still eat eggs but in moderate amounts.
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