Eight life lessons that we learned from Harry Potter

Ritambhara Dixit | Jun 26, 2017, 20:06 IST
As 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' turns 20, here are eight life lessons that we learned from the series over the years
For people like me, Harry Potter isn’t just a book series or a movie franchise; it is everything. We as a generation, literally, grew up with Harry Potter. Whether it was by page or by the screen, as the series, so did the various life lessons that we imbibed from it. As 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' completes 20 years, here are eight life lessons that we learned from Harry Potter over the course of years.

True friendships can get you through anything!

Do you think that Harry would have managed to survive without Ron and Hermione's constant and unwavering support? The trio not only managed to take down He-Who-Should-Not-Be-Named AKA Lord Voldemort, but also got through the mundane problems of teenage life together!

Don't let your past define you

Though we can't erase our past, we can choose how it affects our present and future. The biggest example of how holding on to past prejudices effects the now is the Battle of Hogwarts.

Money can't buy you happiness!

Though the Weasleys weren't the wealthiest bunch, they certainly were the happiest! While Ron did not have enough for himself, he did not hesitate in sharing whatever little he had with Harry. In fact, Weasleys soon became Harry's surrogate family in the wizarding world!

Never judge others on the basis of their appearance!

The age-old adage, ‘never judge a book by its cover’ has been once again reiterated by in the series. A towering half-giant could turn out to be a kind and gentle friend and a dark, greasy, bitter Potions professor may sacrifice everything to right a wrong deed of the past. In the end, people aren’t always what they seem, and it is an important lesson to remember.

Love always triumphs!

It was his mother's love that saved Harry from Voldemort's curse as a baby and then the love he received from his friends was what saved him. Against hatred, against fear, against violence, love finally conquered it all.

There will always be moments in jealousy in friendship

No matter how thick you are with your friends, there is always something that you will butt heads over, and that is okay! Several times over the course of years at Hogwarts and while on the run, Harry and Ron fought over various issues, but in the ed they always had each other backs!

Sometimes you need to break the rules!

As the say, rules are meant to broken, eh? Not always, but sometimes for the greater good one has to slightly bend the guidelines. I mean, had the trio never broken the rules, one can only imagine what would have happened!

For making us believe that Magic exists!

While we may not have spells, charms, DADA, Transfiguration, there is definitely some magic running beneath what is visible to the eye! And if nothing, as JK Rowling said, "Whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home."

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