Essential skincare tips all Derms will ask you to follow

Alisha Alam | May 18, 2020, 16:21 IST
When it comes to skincare, there are a lot of things you might be doing right but there could also be a plethora of things that you're doing wrong. And these wrong choices could have a severe impact on your skin. You wouldn't want to end up damaging your skin, would you? So, follow these essential skincare tips that Derms suggest will work wonders for you.

-Always be gentle with your skin. Don't pull at it, don't tug it, don't rub it and make sure to not apply products that don't work for your skin type. Always apply products by patting them onto your skin gently instead of rubbing them on as you've probably been doing for so long.

-Eat the right kind of food. No matter how many products you apply on your skin, they won't be able to help if you keep eating food that doesn't work well for your skin. Make sure to consume the right kind of diet and stay hydrated, ladies! Moisturisation from within is also necessary.

-Stick to one routine. Find a skincare routine that works for you and then stick to it. Don't experiment too much unnecessarily or it'll just end up damaging your skin. Just do what works best.

-Sunscreen is a must: Inside, outside, another dimension; doesn't matter. Wherever you are, always make sure you're wearing sunscreen. It can help protect your skin against all the harmful rays and lights it needs protection from. So, always slather some of it on and you'll see the difference it can make.

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