01/9Certain food can make you look older than your age

You might not be able to tell much difference in your body as you hit 30, but your body changes. The older you get, the weaker your health can get. You might feel like its okay to indulge in every time you are out, but you’re wrong. As years go by, signs of ageing starts appearing before you notice. The science of ageing and nutrition is interlinked that determines your health. In simpler terms, there’s a sharp link between what you eat and how you look. Here’s a list of foods that every woman in her 30s should avoid look young and fresh.

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by Sneha Biswas

02/9White bread

Eating carbs can damage your collagen production and other wrinkle-fighting proteins. Quitting carbs can help you maintain the blood sugar level to aid weight loss as well.

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Sugary drinks like sodas can make you put on weight and slow down your body’s metabolism. This can impact the sppearance of your skin. Too much sugar can also affect your fertility. Photo credit: Google


Alcohol can dehydrate your ageing skin more causing fine lines and wrinkles. You body post the 30s can't metabolise alcohol as it could back in the 20s, hence it can aid weight gain.

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05/9Veggie burgers/steaks

Opting for meat post 30 is more beneficial than veggies as meat is a good source of Vitamin B12 that can keep graying at bay. If you're worried about calorie and fat count, try grass-fed meat for lean cuts.

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06/9Iced coffee

Too much of caffeine can interrupt the sleep cycle hampering the skin renewal process. A study finds that repetative facial movements like sipping coffee usign a straw can cause wrinkles and fine lines. All these can add up to signs of ageing.

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07/9Canned soup

Canned soups are high in sodium that can cause you high blood pressure. A study confirms the connection between high blood pressure and skin ageing. It was found that ladies with low blood pressure can have fewer wrinkles.

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08/9Flavoured yogurt

Post 30 the collagen production of our skin becomes slow resulting in dull and saggy skin. To curb that many people start cutting down their sugar intake and depend on flavoured yogurt for their sweet tooth. Do you know flavoured yogurt can have as much sugar as ice cream bar?

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09/9Fast food/Takeouts

Fast foods and Chinese takeouts can never do good to your health and skin. It is loaded with sodium that can draw out moisture from your skin to speed-up the appearance of skin ageing. It can lead to unhealthy weight gain and make you feel thirsty, and bloated at the same time.

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