Everything good that tragacanth gum brings to your health

Dhwani Vora | May 22, 2019, 12:41 IST
A sap of a thorny shrub called tragacanth found in Middle East, Iran, western Asia and Iraq produces Tragacanth gum (Gold Katira or Kateer) which has high levels of health benefits. This gum is tasteless, odorless and very much soluble in water. The gum is usually obtained from the roots and also from incisions made in stem. It it then dried which forms into crystal flakes.

The best of all is where the sap cools your body especially during summers and heats it up in winters. But apart from this, there are many other health benefits listed below.

- Tagacanth gum has the ability to treat heart stroke as it works like a cooling agent. A drink which can be made using the gum added to water can be consumed during summers to prevent heart strokes. Kids who suffer from nose bleeding during summers can also consume this gum powder to feel relieved of the bleeding.

- The sap has anti-aging properties due to which your skin delays the development of wrinkles and fine lines. It doesn't only delay the anti-aging process, but also works towards giving you a clear skin from within.

- It is also quite effective at curing constipation because of purgative properties. So if you have frequent constipation, consumption of this gum powder on a regular basis before bedtime will help.

- Since it is also a part of hearbal treatment for women with small breasts, it works towards enhancing the breast size. Regular dose of this hum helps in getting bigger and firmer breasts. The gum works towards balancing the hormonal levels but the results are visible only after a longer use of it.

- Tragacanth gum is excellent for women who've just turned into mothers and for the post delivery weakness. It also benefits the newborn baby and acts like a great remedy for the breastfeeding mothers.

- This gum cures a cough as it contains anti-allergic, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

- It also increases the metabolic rate of the body which ultimately helps in flushing out the waste from the body as well as increases your digestion. Not to forget, it also helps amazingly in weight loss.

- This gum also increases libido and is very effective in treating sexual inadequacy or weakness that men feel. Other than that, when you use it for a longer time, it cures sexual issues like low semen count, erectile dysfunction and a few other sexual issues that men deal with.
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