Everything you need to know about whitening your teeth at home

Jehana Antia | Aug 15, 2018, 08:00 IST
These days, there’s a whole industry around the pursuit of perfectly white teeth. And while most of our bathrooms contain some kind of DIY, teeth-whitening product or the other, do they always work? No. And not always can we afford to go to the dentist's, can we? The question thus arises is 'can you get a set of pearly whites just sitting on your sofas'? Well, here's answering just that!

Saliva happens to be your friend when it comes to breaking down plaque, which causes teeth to look yellow. Nutritionist Natasha Corrett recommends foods that crunch (apples, nuts and seeds, cauliflower and raw broccoli), as this stimulates saliva production. Smart, right? But that's not all we're here to say. Whitening strips, which bleach the part of the tooth just below the enamel work wonders too. Laying off tea and coffee helps too. And lastly, certain charcoal toothpastes are great for the teeth too.

Other foods to lay off for white teeth? Superficial stains come from caffeine, wine, cola, tobacco and also some medications, certain diseases or just unlucky genes even.
PS: Coconut oil applied around your mouth for 20 minutes a day has gained traction as an effective teeth-whitening home remedy.
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