01/8Here's what you shouldn't say to someone who is losing weight

Losing weight can be tricky business. For some,acheiving this goal is a breeze. Meanwhile, the road to transformation can be a bit tough for others. That is why it is important to choose your words carefully when talking about this topic to someone who is losing weight. You want to be encouraging, but don't want to come off sounding judgemental or jealous. Here is some expert advice on what not to say to someone who is on a weight loss journey.

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by Darielle Britto

02/8'Have you tried "this" diet? It worked wonders for me'

Well, that diet might have worked wonders for you but trust us you are in no position to be giving diet tips to someone else. Not one diet works for everybody so you can't really assume that what worked well for you will work well for someone else too.

03/8'Can't you be happy at the weight you're at now?'

This might seem like a compliment but it isn't. This person clearly wasn't happy with the way they looked and they wanted to make a change and they have the right to make that change. You are nobody to question why they choose to look a certain way.

04/8'Oh, I tried this but it didn't work for me'

Once again, nobody cares about what you tried or didn't try to lose weight. Every person is different and as we mentioned earlier, no one diet works the same for two people. So, what you need to do is to be more supportive of what the person is trying because you never know, this diet might just work for them.

05/8'You don't need to diet, you look just fine'

If someone wants to lose weight, it is their decision to make. They know what is best for them and why they want to do it. "You may not know all of their reasons for being on a diet and it could be a lot deeper than just losing 10 pounds, so unless it's a situation where you feel like the weight loss is unhealthy (like they are underweight or have struggled with an eating disorder in the past), it's important to be respectful of their decision to make different choices for their health," Maggie Michalczyk, MS, RD, told a news portal. Instead, of putting down their goals, show support and be encouraging about it.

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06/8'You are lucky you can eat anything and still lose weight'

If someone who has recently lost a lot of weight and wants to have a slice of pizza or piece of chocolate cake, allow them to do so without having to bring up their weight loss transformation. "For someone unintentionally losing weight, this can trigger guilt or a hyper-awareness around food that they may not have had before," Melainie Rogers, founder of Balance Eating Disorder Treatment Facility, told a news portal. Adding, "This could be extremely damaging to someone struggling with an eating disorder as it intensifies their battle in viewing certain foods as good or bad."

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07/8'You are looking fabulous'

You may think you are complimenting someone with this statement, but it could actually trigger a negative emotion for some on the receiving end of it. This may not be much of an issue if someone is simply trying to get healthy. But it could become an issue for someone who is suffering from an eating disorder. "For someone who is not intentionally trying to lose weight, this can bring up a lot of body image insecurities and worsen an existing unhealthy relationship with food and their body,"Melainie Rogers, founder of Balance Eating Disorder Treatment Facility, told a news portal. Find other positive ways to acknowledge their weight loss success. Picture Courtesy: Google Images

08/8'You're so skinny. Are you on a diet?'

Saying this to someone may imply that being skinny should be their goal instead of being healthy. You may also come across as jealous. A lot of times diet has nothing to do with someone losing weight. "People lose weight for a multitude of reasons that often have little to do with dieting," Melainie Rogers, founder of Balance Eating Disorder Treatment Facility, told a news portal. Adding, "This includes struggling with either their physical or mental health, anxiety, depression, stress or engaging in eating disorder symptoms — [which] can all cause weight loss."

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