Feeling anxious and depressed? Here are some simple ways to deal with it

Alisha Alam | Oct 15, 2019, 11:42 IST
Anxiety and depression are two mental conditions that have been on the rise amongst people for quite some time now. Even though the quality of life has improved for most people, having to maintain that lifestyle can start taking a toll on them. And let's be honest, these conditions are no joke. They need to be taken seriously.

One cannot just snap out of it or learn to deal with it. However, one must accept that they are dealing with anxiety or depression and seek appropriate help. Most people are hesitant to opt for medication-based therapies and prefer other options. There are certain options that can help lower stress levels and keep anxiety issues at bay. Here are some simple ways to deal with anxiety and depression.

Exercise: Are you familiar with the exhilarating feeling you get after a gym session? You'll feel the same way even after doing some moderate exercise like jogging or skipping. This feeling is known as a workout high. When we exercise, our body releases hormones that make us feel good. This hormone can help make our mind and body feel relaxed and calm. So, try to incorporate at least half an hour worth of exercise in your daily routine.

Maintain a healthy diet: The problem with anxiety and depression is that it can severely affect your diet. It becomes difficult to focus on your meals when your mind is clouded with multiple thoughts. So, try to maintain a healthy diet and consume foods that will help keep your mind and body relaxed.

Opt for non-medication therapies: Getting a massage or opting for an acupuncture session can really help calm your nerves. It can help you feel relaxed and can also lower the stress levels in your body by helping maintain a balance.

Get the right amount of sleep: When you skip out on your sleep it increases stress levels in your body. This can lead to even more anxiety and feelings of depression. Try to ensure that you're following a proper sleep schedule and try to get at least 6-8 hours of sleep every night.

Well, we suggest you try these tips and see what works best for you. Stay tuned for more updates.
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