Feeling groggy all the time? Here's how understanding your sleep cycle will help

Alisha Alam | Jan 17, 2020, 11:39 IST
Don't we all just wait impatiently for Sundays to come so that we can spend all day napping in bed? Well, that's how most people would describe their ideal Sunday these days. And the reason for that is that most people aren't able to catch up on the right amount of sleep during the weekdays. While sometimes we feel fresh despite sleeping only for a few others, other times we might sleep for ages and still feel groggy when we wake up.

Why is that, you ask? Well, it's because we tend to sleep in different stages. And sometimes we end up waking up in the middle of one of these stages which is why we end up feeling a bit groggy. This is why it becomes important to understand how your sleep cycle functions as it might help you feel refreshed and prevent the grogginess and fatigue you feel all the time.

There are five stages of sleeping and if you sleep for 7-8 hours per night, you tend to surpass all of them.

Stage one: This is the initial stage of falling asleep where you're basically hovering between being conscious and being asleep. Your heart rate is also normal at this stage. But this is also the stage where simple things like noises, light and activity might disrupt your sleep.

Stage 2: This is the stage where your brain finally disengages from its surroundings and your body begins to get more relaxed. This stage also accounts for 60% of your sleep. So, if you're planning to take a power nap, this is the stage you'll wake up after.

Stage 3 and 4: These are the stages which mark deep slumber. They account for 15% of your sleep and also mark a drop in blood pressure, breathing and even muscular activity. This is also the stage where cells begin to repair themselves. Hormones are released in the body to help repair and growth.

Stage 5 - REM(Rapid-Eye-Movement) Stage

This is the stage in the cycle when your sleep is the deepest. During the REM stage, your brain activity increases which leads to Rapid-Eye-Movement and vivid dreams come into play. In a way, the brain uses this stage to help stimulate itself by processing emotions and inputs received during the day and energises itself while the body is sleeping.

Now that you're aware of how the sleep cycle works, it's time you download a few sleeping apps and take their help to figure out how you can opt for the right sleep patters. Stay tuned for more updates.

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