Follow these ways to enjoy a party and stay safe

Dhwani Vora | Aug 16, 2019, 17:17 IST
Who doesn't love a good party? We all absolutely love being reckless at least once in a while. And by that we mean getting drunk and dancing the night away. It's completely okay to unwind in this way as we all have such busy lives otherwise. But drinking too much and putting ourselves out there only gets risky. Increased alcohol intake sure harms your body but does much worse than that. You will never know how and when things take a wrong turn if you don't look after yourself. Drinking more than you can handle only makes you incapable of protecting yourself or staying safe. It doesn't let you make right decisions and in no time you'll end up ordering more drinks and only realize all of it the next morning when hangover gets worse for you to handle. This is why we're here to give you little pointers on how to stay safe and still enjoy the party in all ways.

- First comes first, don't ever mix alcohol. Some cocktails are fine once in a while, but don't go ahead to create one on your own. If you're drinking vodka, don't switch to whiskey or any other drink. And same goes for all the other alcohol types as well. Mixing drinks will only get you high quicker and in a messier way.

- Avoid energy drinks or caffeine when in a party. Make sure you don't use any energy drink as a mixer or have a cup of coffee once you finish your drinking session. It's not going to do you any good and will only worsen things for you.

- Eat while you're drinking. Don't just gulp down one drink after the other but munch on food while you're at it. Drinking on an empty stomach will affect your lover and make you suffer. You'll get intoxicated sooner and drinks on an empty stomach will also drench your liver.

- Don't chug on drinks simply because everybody is. Take your time and drink slow. Have all your focus on what you're drinking and enjoy every moment of the party.

- Make sure you have a sober driver to take you back home. Don't think that it's alright to drive back home after having a few drinks. It's not legal and not safe too. You'd never know what all mishaps might occur if at all you decide to drink and drive.
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