Food items that will help you age slow

Dhwani Vora | May 5, 2019, 13:21 IST
Let's accept it, nobody likes to age. Teenagers sure would want to, but once they hit mid 20s they realise how ageing is not that cool after all. And after a certain point, everybody wishes to look young and fit while their age says otherwise. There are people who're way younger and look older and then there are old people who manage to look younger than that. And more than investing in various products to stop ageing, you should wholeheartedly indulge in eating right. What you choose to put on your plate for every meal of the day is directly proportional to the speed at which you'd age. And this is proven by science that what you eat plays a vital role in your ageing.

Hence, you should begin now and begin healthy. Make a habit of eating superfoods that will keep you biologically younger and will help turn the close back as well.

- Broccoli: Broccoli has naturally occurring plant compounds which consist of antioxidant properties and also enhances immunity. It also boosts your body's natural defence system till a great extent. The darker the broccoli, the tighter younger it is. Younger broccoli has almost 50 times more phytochemicals than the matured ones. Also, avoid the ones which have turned yellowish at the edges or with dry leaves.

- Yogurt: The powerhouse of vital nutrients like calcium and protein is dairy products. But if you're someone who doesn't like all dairy products than you could make yourself to like yogurt. It has all the benefits of other dairy foods and probiotics which help in adding healthy bacteria to the intestines. Yogurt has the kind of goof bacteria that will help the digestive tract be in a good shape and will also boost immunity.

- Oranges: This fruit is a very powerful anti-ageing one. It is rich in vitamin C which is quite an effective antioxidant. Not to forget it is loaded with phytonutrients that maximises the significant antioxidant properties of oranges even more.

You can start with these many in the beginning and once you get a hang of it, you can always indulge in more as and when you can.

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