01/17Nutritionists avoid these foods in their kitchen and so should you

Ever wondered what all might be there in the kitchen of the best nutritionists and dietitians? The people who always guide you to eat what at what time and what all to avoid always follow a healthy habit of throwing away things from their kitchen that aren't needed to tempt them to any unhealthy habits. You might get to see lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. What you won't see are the so-called healthy foods that are quite popular but only damage your health in the long run. This is why, we're here to give you a list of foods that you should throw out of your kitchen sooner than later in order to lead a healthy lifestyle.

by Dhwani Vora


Did you know that just one tiny cup of granola contains almost 600 calories, 30 grams of fat and 24 grams of sugar? Now, do you need this for your body if you wish to stay fit? Think about it. Just one tiny cup of granola is equivalent of staring your mornings with two slices of cheesecake. Not healthy, is it?

03/17Flavoured coffee creamer

Flavoured coffee creamers are loaded with fake ingredients which can harm your body more. It's got artificial colours, trans fats and artificial sweeteners. Throw it off of your kitchen counter or your fridge as it's not doing any good to your health.

04/17Canned veggies

Cans that are used for veggies are laced with an industrial chemical called BPA that is used in various food and beverages containers. It is risky for the health in infants and young children's brain development. But only some of these cans are laced with BPA, rest of them use hard plastic or BPA-free cans, so you can ensure you use these ones and not the former ones.


Of course, this is the hardest part to read that you should really not have the Nutella jar in your kitchen. It's one of those foods that people believe to be healthy but actually isn't. It has over 20 grams of added sugar and just two grams of protein which means this spread will only show up on your waistline.

06/17Roasted almonds

Roasted nuts might sure be delicious and addictive to munch on. But the high-heat cooking method will not do any good to your waistline. Raw almonds keep you feeling fuller for a longer time as compared to the roasted ones.

07/17Cheese burger

One cheeseburger doesn't harm unless you choke on it. But you should know that cheeseburgers are high in heart-disease causing saturated fat where even the bun contains carbohydrates. You don't need that kind of unhealthy eating habits and so cheeseburgers should never enter your kitchen.

08/17Cold cereal

Most of the cold cereals seem healthy but are only loaded with cards and are highly processed. They shouldn't be considered as a healthy breakfast. These cereals can be super sweet and heavy on calories and that's the reason why you should be throwing them out of the kitchen. You should be starting your mornings with lean protein like eggs to make sure you get all the energy at the start of the day.

09/17Soda or diet cokes

Both soda and diet coke are terrible for the bone health. Just one can of these is filled with 40 grams of sugar and makes it challenging for the body to maintain healthy glucose and insulin levels.

by Dhwani Vora


Did you know just two tablespoons of ketchup has almost 8 grams of sugar and 40 calories? Most of these calories are achieved from high fructose corn syrup that increases appetite and eventually gives you health problems like diabetes or obesity.

by Dhwani Vora