01/6Food that help suppress your appetite

This lockdown time is surely going to work wonders for some who are very particular about their fitness regime. But for a lot others, it might turn down a little and show up on their weight. What we're saying is that this time at home can get really difficult to keep your hands off of those munchies and some people might go on munching a lot in between meal breaks. This can then start showing up on the weighing scale in no time. So if you don't wish to sulk later about your extra kilos, you must include these foods that will help you feeling full for longer hours and cut down on those junk foods.

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by Dhwani Vora


Just half an avocado with lunch can fill you up to 22% which can keep you feeling full for longer hours. So if you wish to fill your stomach with bare minimum stuffings, you can choose avocado for salads or even go for the guac to enjoy some munchies.

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Almonds are nutritional knockouts that don't only fill your tummy but also adds a lot of protein to your diet. They are high in vitamins and minerals and make for a perfect snack when you start feeling pecking in the afternoon hours. Almonds won't even leave you bloated, so don't worry about that.

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All mothers keep insisting their kids to eat lentils for all the right reasons. It's time we start listening to them and include some lentils in our diet as they are very effective for satiating our hunger. It doesn't even add any extra kilos to our weight and it's so nutritious.

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You can add some olives to your recipes as they are rich in fibre and food for your fats to. Just a handful of olives can make you feel full and you won't feel the need to munch on junk food for longer hours. This is a great way to add some flavour to your food too.

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Coconut is filled with healthy fats and fibre which helps in making you feel full for longer hours and not overeat at meals. Even coconut milk is naturally lactose-free and it's quite handy for those who are trying to quit dairy products.

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