01/12Feeling bloated? Avoid consuming these foods

Okay, let's not beat around the bush. Bloating is a huge pain and it makes you feel like the worst version of yourself. You feel tired, sluggish and lethargic and you might even not have the will to do anything. But then again, bloating isn't just something that can always occur on its own. There are multiple reasons for bloating and one of the most common ones is that we don't pay enough attention to our food habits. When you consume the right type of foods it can help keep bloating at bay. So, if you're feeling bloated, here are some foods you absolutely must avoid consuming.

by Alisha Alam


Barley is a rich source of fibre, vitamins and minerals. While there are many reasons to add it to your diet, it could cause bloating for people who do not consume enough of fibre. If you have gluten issues, consult a nutritionist before consuming it. You can swap it for brown rice or oats.

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03/12Cruciferous vegetables

Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and brussels sprouts are some of the cruciferous vegetables you are probably used to eating. They have a whole lot of benefits too. These kinds of vegetables are a rich source of potassium, vitamin K, iron, fibre, and vitamin C. While they are a rich source of vital nutrients, they also contain a group of fermentable carbohydrates called FODMAPs, which could cause bloating for some.

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Wheat sometimes gets a bad rap as it contains gluten, which is a type of protein. It may cause digestive issues - bloating, gas, or diarrhoea - for those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. If this is an issue for you, consume oats, buckwheat or almond flour in place of wheat.

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Most Indian food consists of onions owing to their unique and powerful taste. But what most people don't know is that although onions might be used in small quantities in food, they can lead to bloating. They contain fructans which are a type of soluble fibres that can lead to bloating.


An apple a day might claim to keep a doctor away owing to the vitamins and nutrients it contains but consuming too many apples can lead to not just bloating but other digestive issues too. The fructose and high fibre content in apples can ferment and lead to bloating and gas in the large intestine.

07/12Lentils are a big no-no

Lentils are pretty much the same as legumes. They contain proteins, nutrients and fibres which are super healthy for the body. However, high-fibre content can lead to bloating. They also contain certain sugars that can cause gas and bloating so try to cut down on your consumption of lentils.

08/12Say no to carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks contain high amounts of carbon dioxide which as you already know is a gas. When you drink such beverages you also end up swallowing huge amounts of this gas.

09/12Say no to dairy

If you're a fan of dairy products, we've got some bad news for you. Dairy is one of the largest contributors to bloating. So, yes, foods like cheese, milk, milk, cream and even yoghurt can actually make you feel bloated since most of you are unable to digest dairy products properly.

10/12Stay away from diet foods

Yes, diet products like energy bars and baked items might be super low on calorie content but they're also super high in salt and other preservative contents. And do you know what that can do to you? It can give you bloating.