01/5Here are some fun activities the whole family can enjoy this Independence Day

Independence day, which is on August 15, is a great way for parents to teach their children about the history of the country in fun and enjoyable ways. Instead of just talking to your kids about this day that Indians are proud of, fun activities will help them understand the significance of this day in a better way. Here are a few fun activities the whole family can enjoy this Independence Day.

by Darielle Britto

02/5Watch patriotic movies

If you don't want to head outdoors, but still want to make the most of this day to help your children learn the significance of it better, watch patriotic movies together. This is a fun activity you can do together all day long. Pick Independence Day movies that are educational and inspiring so your children can learn as much from it. Make sure to have a lot of popcorn ready for the day.

03/5Go to a museum

If you really want your children to absorb the significance of this day, take them to a museum. It will help them better understand the important monuments and places of huge historical importance. You can make a fun day of it of being together as a family, as well as learn something of great importance to its citizens.

04/5Read history books

If your family loves to read, get out the history textbooks that will help them gain an understanding of the struggles of freedom. They can learn about the many great people that helped to make this day and so much more. Not only will it help them understand this day better, but it will create a stronger bond between you and your children by having a lengthy discussion on this topic.

05/5Go for flag hoisting

Head to a nearby community garden or club with the entire family, early in the morning, where a flag hoisting is taking place. Your children can stand next to you with pride as they understand the importance of the event. By reciting the national anthem with the community, it will help shape how your children think and feel about their country. This is a great way to help instil the right values.