01/10Here are some sneaky and fun tricks to help you burn those extra calories

Lunge your way to the kitchen: The next time you're heading to the kitchen to grab something to eat, lunge your way to it rather than walking to your kitchen. Lunges work great in toning the body and will help give you hotter legs and a fitter bum. The only downside? If someone sees you they'll think you're super weird. But who cares anyway right?

by Alisha Alam

02/10Dumbbell curls with water bottles

If you want those sexy looking arms, here's a trick that you'll absolutely love. Every time you head to the fridge to drink water, pick up two water bottles and do dumbbell curls with them. Keep increasing the number every time you go, so this way you'll tone your arms while also being hydrated.

by Alisha Alam

03/10Walk and talk

This one works best when you get a call from your bestie because there's no way you're going to put the phone down before you spend two hours talking to her. There's no reason why you need to be sitting on the couch or laying on the bed when you do the talking. So stand up and start walking as you talk. It'll help tone your leg muscles.

by Alisha Alam

04/10Fitness challenges

If you're amongst those people who feel more motivated to do things when they're challenged to do them, just pick up a fitness challenge online and try it out. This way you'll find some much-needed motivation and you'll also end up getting fit.

by Alisha Alam

05/10Wall sits

This is yet again one exercise that you can opt for while doing pretty much anything be it watching the TV or talking on the phone. Start by doing it for 30 seconds and then build up slowly. Trust us, you'll have toned legs to flaunt in no time at all.

by Alisha Alam

06/10Do step-ups holding water bottles

While dumbbells work best for this exercise, if you don't have dumbbells at your place, don’t worry about it. What you can do instead is opt for two water bottles. Take a wooden chair and use it as a step to do your step-up exercises. And use those water bottles in place of dumbbells. You'll be surprised at how effective the exercise is.

by Alisha Alam

07/10Zumba workouts on YouTube

Don't want to spend all that cash on Zumba lessons? Well, you can just get them for free through YouTube. Just subscribe to a fun YouTube channel that offers Zumba lessons and you'll find yourself grooving to their peppy songs while also getting a good workout.

by Alisha Alam

08/10Plank every time a TV ad comes on

If you're one of those people who despise TV ads, here's something exciting for you to kill time during them. Every time an ad comes on, do a plank. This way, you'll end up getting a good workout without having to miss out on that show or movie.

by Alisha Alam

09/10Squat during songs

Watching a Bollywood film on TV? Well, it is bound to have at least 10 songs, so what you can do is dance along to them and squat during them. You'll end up getting entertained whilst giving your body a very good workout. So, say hello to toned abs.

by Alisha Alam

10/10Take the stairs

When people tell you that they take the stairs instead of the elevator, maybe you should join them instead of scoffing at them. Trust us, it might not seem like much but taking the stairs instead of riding the elevator can really work wonders to tone your body and especially your legs.

by Alisha Alam