Gender of the patient plays a significant role in how chemotherapy affects them, researchers state

Jehana Antia | Oct 21, 2018, 09:02 IST
The treatment for cancer - chemotherapy - is much of an ordeal for patients as the health condition itself is. Chemotherapy is considered one of the ways to diagnose and cure cancer, however, it comes with several side-effects. Now, researchers reveal that the side-effects are way more when women undergo chemotherapy than how it affects the men. The study suggests that women experience nausea, vomiting and hair loss more frequently than men due to chemotherapy.

As part of the research conducted, they found that while 81 per cent of women faced hair loss, 74 per cent of men were affected by it. On the other hand, 41 per cent of men suffered from mouth ulcers as opposed to 50 per cent of women. Also when it comes to cure, they found that the number of patients experiencing a reduction in the size of a tumour was higher in men. This comes as further evidence of gender playing a role in the treatment of cancer.
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