01/6These tips will help you get the best beauty sleep ever!

Being sleep-deprived all the time has sort of become a norm these days. Whether it's long hours at your job that's keeping you awake or if you're just choosing to binge-watch shows at ungodly hours, sleep deprivation has probably become a part of your daily routine and let's just say we're sure it shows on your face. Your skin is probably dull and you might even have deep dark circles. So, if you're looking to get rid of these signs of being sleep-deprived here are some tips that will ensure you get the best beauty sleep ever. Take a look.

by Alisha Alam

02/6Moisturise your lips

So many of us go to sleep with plump and hydrated lips but wake up with chapped lips instead. This is because during the night the moisture is sucked out of your lips. So, you need to ensure that your lips also stay hydrated throughout the night and a simple lip balm won't cut it. Invest in a lip mask and you'll see how much of a difference it truly can make.

03/6Sleep on satin pillows

Sleeping on satin pillows or at least pillowcases can work wonders not just for your skin but also for your hair. How, you ask? Unlike cotton pillows, satin pillows ensure that there is no friction between your skin and the pillow. Thanks to this, there's a lot less rubbing going around and this can even prevent things like acne and breakouts on your skin.

04/6Make sure to moisturise

While getting those eight hours of sleep will help you look less sleepy in the morning, it still isn't enough. So, make sure that you moisturise your skin before you jump into bed so that your skin can soak all the goodness of the moisturiser and can keep itself hydrated throughout the night.

05/6Take a warm bath

There's a reason why experts suggest you should take a warm bath before going to bed. It can help improve blood circulation, can lower blood-sugar levels and can also reduce muscle tension and stress. This way, your body feels more relaxed and calm and that means your mind gets to relax too.

06/6Use a cream or gel for your dark circles

If you've got some rather prominent dark circled then we're afraid that simply moisturising your skin won't make them go away. You'll also have to use topical treatments such as creams or gels that are infused with brightening agents. Pick one out that will best suit your skin tone and apply it every night before you go to bed.