01/17Avoid making these mistakes if you have curly hair

Curly hair can be a tricky business. It can be harder to manage than straight hair. The right nourishment, products and hair care routine can go a long way to ensure your hair looks voluminous and gorgeous, whether you have wavy tresses or curly hair. Well, when it comes to curly hair you really have to go the extra mile because even the slightest mistake can ruin your curls. So, if you're looking to keep those curls in prime condition, here are some mistakes you absolutely have to avoid making.

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by Snehha Suresh

02/17Don't brush from top to bottom

Unlike people with straight hair, you can't brush your hair starting from the roots. You need to start from the bottom and then make your way up to the roots so as to avoid tangles and breakage. If you do it the other way around you'll only end up with a tangled mess.

03/17Don't apply conditioner to wet hair

Yes, you read that right. Instead of applying conditioner to wet hair, apply it to dry hair instead. It'll soak into your curls and hair cuticles and will ensure your hair stays frizz-free even after you've washed it. This will also ensure your curls look more defined and well-maintained.

04/17Don't leave your hair open while sleeping

This rule actually applies to everyone regardless of hair type. Leaving curly hair open is like waiting for disaster to happen. It'll just get pulled out and fuzzed up throughout the night and you'll wake up with a hedge like a hairstyle. Tie it into a top bun and it'll help keep your curls preserved.

05/17Don't shy away from using product in your hair

We're sure you've been told multiple times that using products in your hair could ruin your curls but that's not true. A serum can actually help make your curls look even more defined and separated which will end up giving you a cleaner look altogether. Try to opt for serums with coconut oil and argan oil as these will work best for you.

06/17Don't opt for chemical treatments

Anything that forces your curls to go against their nature will take a toll on them. For example, keratin treatments create new bonds that adhere to the proteins on the surface of your strands," explains a hair expert. Such treatments can damage your hair and can cause breakage easily.

07/17Touching your hair too often

You must not touch your hair too much regardless of what type of hair you have. When you constantly keep touching it or playing with it, it can break the pattern your hair has and can lead to frizz. And we all know just how terrible frizzy curls can look.

08/17Don't over-cleanse

You might not think that this is a problem but trust us when we say, over-cleansing can be a huge issue. If you end up using too much shampoo, it'll strip your hair of its natural oils and make it frizzy. And if you use too much conditioner it'll end up making your hair dull and lifeless. So, make sure not to overdo things.

09/17Avoid using a terrycloth towel

Terrycloth happens to have these tiny nubs that can end up fluffing your hair cuticles thus causing them to make your hair look frizzy. Instead, opt for a microfiber towel or a cotton t-shirt to dry your hair and you'll see the difference.

10/17Avoid rubbing too aggressively

Sometimes we tend to slather on shampoo and conditioner in the most aggressive way possible. We end up rubbing it all over our scalp and hair thinking that it might help get rid of the pollutants in our hair. But unfortunately, doing this can make things worse for your hair and can lead to frizziness.