Healthy foods for people with kidney issues

Darielle Britto | Apr 17, 2019, 13:40 IST
Close to 10 per cent of the world's population reportedly suffers from kidney disease, which is becoming a growing problem.

While these organs may look small, they play an important role in helping our bodies to function properly. Releasing hormones to manage blood pressure, producing urine and filtering waste products are some of the responsibilities that it helps run. There are many contributing factors for kidney disease like blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and genes.

High levels of blood pressure and blood sugar can cause a lot of damage to blood vessels in the kidneys and cause them to stop working efficiently. This can cause there to be a build-up of waste in the blood.

While there are various treatments available to help treat kidney issues, the best place to start getting better is by eating the right foods. A healthy diet that will provide loads of nourishment and the right nutrients can go a long way in ensuring people with kidney issues get better.

Here is what kidney disease patients need to aware of:

Potassium: While potassium plays an important role in the body, excess amounts of it for patients with kidney disease can cause blood pressure levels to spike.

Phosphorus: When the kidneys are damaged it is unable to get rid of phosphorus, a mineral found in a range of food items. A diet rich in phosphorus can cause a lot of damage to patients. Ensure you only consume the recommended amount.

Protein: Damaged kidneys find it difficult to get rid of waste products from protein. Therefore patients need to limit their consumption of it.

Certain foods can help boost kidney function and prevent further damage from occurring. No matter what diet you are on, patients with kidney diseases are recommended to have the following foods.

1. Cauliflower: This vegetable is packed with nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K and the B vitamin folate. It is also loaded with anti-inflammatory properties like indoles. Another key point is that cauliflower is also a rich source of fibre.

2 Blueberries: The berries contain high levels of antioxidants like anthocyanins, which offers protection against cognitive decline, heart disease, certain cancers, and diabetes. It also helps improve kidney health because it is low in phosphorus, potassium and sodium.

3. Sea bass: This fish is rich with healthy fats like omega-3s, which helps to reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of depression. While it is a healthy option, consume small amounts of it as it contains high levels of phosphorus.

Consult with your doctor before making any changes to your diet.
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