01/15Stress eating? Opt for these healthy food options

There are those days when you just can't put up a fight against stress eating. Even though you probably know it's not a good idea to go down that path, comfort food that is rich with carb and loaded sugar is all you want to eat. The problem with these foods is that while they may satisfy your craving temporarily, they're loaded with carbs and excess sugar which can all be really bad for your health. So, instead of bingeing on junk foods, why not opt for healthy snacks? Here are some you can choose from.

by Darielle Britto


If apples can keep doctors away, bananas should be rewarded for melting away stress. As you might already know, bananas are rich in potassium which is one of the most essential minerals our bodies require. What's great about this mineral is that it can lower blood pressure, thus reducing stress.

03/15Whole-Wheat Pretzels

They'll make for a great snack that you can munch on. They're made of wheat which contains fibres that will keep you satiated for long while the carbohydrates will give you a much-needed boost of energy and will improve your mood.


Kale happens to be one of the most calming leafy greens. A study was able to find that people who ate kale regularly were highly optimistic as kale contains high levels of carotenoids which happen to be antioxidants that help you feel calm and relaxed.


Oatmeal is pretty much the ultimate comfort food. It's warm, satiating and tasty. It contains a ton of complex carbohydrates which can help your brain produce more serotonin which makes you feel happy. Higher serotonin levels can help melt all the stress away and keep you feeling happy for long.

06/15Swiss chard

Leafy greens like Swiss chard are rich sources of magnesium, which can help to balance the body's stress hormone called cortisol.It also contains vitamins that can help the body to produce serotonin and dopamine, which can help put you in a better mood. Enjoy this vegetable by sautéing it with garlic and olive oil.

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They say just the thought of making a cup of tea is enough to calm the mind. You can opt for teas like chamomile for those moments you just want to sit and chill. You can also try peppermint tea, which is very refreshing and can help you tackle stress. Luckily, you have a thousand types of teas to choose from that can help deal with stress. Find a blend that works best for you.

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Avocados have become a popular health trend for many reasons.This fruit contains essential acids, which can help reduce stress and anxiety. It is also a rich source of vitamin B6, which helps the body make many neurotransmitters that may help to improve your mood. The next time you want to eat something to get over a rough patch, try avocado.

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Leafy greens can do wonders for your health since they contain a lot of nutrients and vitamins. Spinach contains magnesium which acts as a natural stress reliever. It also regulates blood sugar levels and blood pressure so you end up feeling relaxed and calm.

by Alisha Alam

10/15Dark chocolate

Chocolate lovers rejoice! Now you have all the more reason to munch on your favourite treat. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants which can combat the stress hormone and can help you feel calm and relaxed.

by Alisha Alam