Here are 8 healthy New Year's resolutions you can actually follow

Snehha Suresh | Jan 1, 2018, 08:00 IST
This New Year you can change some of your habits and hang around with to some healthy resolutions this coming year. Maybe you took up a few habits you're now regretting. So let us change some habits and see and make the coming year a memorable one. Here are some hearty resolutions which you should follow. Research has shown you're more likely to live longer if you stay socially connected.

Make time for buddies and favorite clan
We usually tend to forget to spend time with our close friends. We get busy with our daily chores and fail to remember to take time out for our friends and close clan. Life is a funny thing. Even this is important to be touch with your buddies. This year let’s change this habit and make a note and take time out for our friends group also. But really, the most important things in life are the people who you connect with. And they can't be bought.

Sock it to stress
Extreme stress is not good for health, but and then little stress is helpful, it helps to stay focused and keeps us motivated. As it keeps it alert and gives us energy to fight also. Too much stress is not good as it affects our health, our mood, relationships in all it affects the quality of life. Instead of stressing talk to others, tell them how you feel. Focus mainly on things that make you happy.

Give a little of yourself for free
It is necessary to give yourself time and importance. The most thing is to love yourself, its okay to spend time with yourself. A couple of hours every week or more every month are fine to take time for you, to work on yourself. Everything else is secondary first give importance to you.

Be good with money
Make sure you spend your money wisely. Avoid impulse shopping. Make sure you need a particular thing before buying it. There are hundreds of ways to save money. Start with little steps and before long your bank account will be bulging. It’s better to make a list before going for shopping it actually reduces the extra burden and even the taught to spend extra money on things which are least needed for that moment.

Curb that binge drinking
While drinking make sure to drink lower-strength alcohol, and also make sure you keep some days alcohol free. Alcohol does not release stress; it just makes you feel easy at that particular moment. So make sure you drink alcohol in limited quantity and do not exceed the limit every time.

Ride off into the sunset for a few days at least
Taking time out is very important now and then. Make sure to take some time out from your work routine and go on small vacation. A break is always necessary. Going to another city or state will relax your body and soul. It allows us to make our life into one big adventure, be it temporary but it does help to regain your peace.

Stop burning the candle at both ends
Try to get good sleep. Minimum of 6 to 7 hours of sleep is required; we usually tend to lack a sound sleep. Working for long hours always is bad for health; we should sleep early to avoid illness and other health issues. People who sleep more are generally healthier. Research also indicates they are less likely to put on weight or develop type 2 diabetes, and most likely to live to 100.

Shed those extra lumps and bumps once and for all
Yes, it is very difficult to get back on shape, but this new year let’s make sure to follow a realistic target, Eat more vegetables, drink plenty of water it helps to cleanse your body. Stop buying cookies and soft drinks and eat healthy food instead. Get back on track if ever you miss a meal.
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