01/10Here’s how you can limit your personal contribution to climate change...

Contrary to what President Donald Trump may think, climate change is a real thing. The greenhouse effect is causing a noticeable impact on our lives in the form of heat waves, warm winters and famines, to name just a few changes. Hence, at times like this, it’s imperative that we take charge of the imprint we are leaving on the environment and here are ways in which you can limit your personal contribution to climate change...

by Jehana Antia

02/10Reduce the amount of paper in your life

40% of the world’s commercially cut timber is used for paper. This endangers natural habitats and uses a ton of water. Since it has become inexpensive to print, we do it without thinking. And lest you think you are paperless, think about your bank statements and the paper towels you use to clean the countertops. There are many ways in which you can lessen your paper consumption and it needs to start now.

by Jehana Antia

03/10Be mindful of what you consider ‘trash’

From kitchen scraps that can be used to make stocks to items that can be recycled, our trash should be less full the more aware we get. See how many things can be reused and recycled instead of throwing it in the trash.

by Jehana Antia

04/10Borrow or fix rather than buy

Buying throwaway fashion is detrimental for the environment. Start thinking about what you own and borrow if you think you need more (whenever possible). Darning your socks and sewing on new buttons could be where you can start.

by Jehana Antia

05/10Notice how you use water

While you might be told that the earth has a lot of water-bodies as a child in your geography lesson, trust us when we say that there will come a day when we will run out. Learn to have shorter showers and don’t leave the tap running when you’re brushing your teeth. Buy an energy efficient showerhead. It all helps.

by Jehana Antia

06/10Eat less meat

A vegetarian diet makes as much as a 20 per cent difference to your overall carbon impact. Limiting the consumption of beef and lamb can go a long way in saving the environment. It’s a small price to pay for this huge cause, isn’t it?

by Jehana Antia

07/10Reduce, reuse and recycle

Reducing the number of objects you purchase on a regular basis is a great way to lower emissions. Be mindful of your paper usage and try to invest in environment-friendly beauty products too. Refuse disposable bottles, dishes and cutlery, as well as takeaway coffee cups and more. Remember to recycle instead of disposing away anything.

by Jehana Antia

08/10Segregate waste

Separating your waste is taking a huge step when it comes to doing the right thing by the environment. Most buildings now require you to maintain separate bins for your wet and dry waste and have composting pits. If yours doesn’t, please speak up and ensure that the same gets practised, effective immediately!

by Jehana Antia

09/10Unplug and turn off

Unplugging your chargers when they’re not in use is great for the planet. The same holds true with switching off lights and gadgets when not in use. Adopting these practices could help you reduce over 10 per cent of your consumption.

by Jehana Antia

10/10Go green

We learn as children that planting a tree is a great deed in itself. However, that deed needs to be followed through, with nurturing and caring for the seed you have sown. Besides, creating more space for plants, grasses and trees can also have a cooling effect on the environment and God knows that’s what we need right now, right?

by Jehana Antia