01/24Here's how you can consume more water daily

Drinking water can have multiple benefits for our health. Whether it's to keep us hydrated or flush out toxins from our body, consuming water can help improve health in many ways. You need to remember that your body needs to be hydrated so that it can fulfil all of its functions properly. But of course, it can become difficult to keep a track on how much water we consume throughout the day because we're so caught up with everything else. So, if you're looking for ways in which you can incorporate more water into your regime for sure, here are some tips that will aid you. Take a look.

by Darielle Britto

02/24Drink water while working out

This should go without saying that staying hydrated needs to be your number one priority when you're working out. So, make sure that you keep sipping water in between your sessions and finish the entire bottle by the time you're done with your workout.

03/24Fill up your bottle as soon as you drink up all the water

If you let your glass or bottle sit empty on your desk it's going to stay that way for hours. So, make it a habit to immediately refill your bottle or glass with water as soon as you've finished all the water in it. You're more likely to keep drinking water if you have it with you at the time.

04/24Snack on stuff that'll make you drink more water

A lot of foods out there can make you feel thirsty for example, salty foods like salted pretzels or salted peanuts. Snack on a handful of them and you'll be chugging water in no time. Don't overdo with the snacking though because salt can get dangerous for you.

05/24Keep filled water bottle in your car and all your bags

Not just in your car or bags, but basically everywhere around your house and in refrigerator too. Make sure you have water everywhere around you so that you don't feel dehydrated for long hours. Carrying a water bottle while you're traveling in your car is always a good idea than waiting to find a shop to buy water.

06/24Keep sipping on water

One way to stay hydrated is to keep a water bottle right beside you and keep sipping from it throughout the day. This way, even if you forget how much water you're supposed to consume, you'll end up consuming plenty of it anyway.

07/24Herbal tea

Tea is nothing but deliciously flavoured water. And if this can turn into one way of keeping yourself hydrated, you must switch to herbal teas. You can take mini-breaks at work and make yourself some herbal tea every time you wish to feel fresh.

08/24Snack on salty food

Whenever you feel like snacking on something, make sure you munch on some salted almonds or pretzels. Basically, anything salty works to increase your thirst which will make you sip on more water. So make sure you choose the kind of salty food that won't put on some kilos on you but at the same time will make you reach out to your water bottle.

09/24Dilute drinks with water or ice

Say you've opted for some fresh lime soda with water and you find out that it's too sweet. Just add some ice or extra water to the mix and it'll help balance things out. This is a great way to consume some extra water without having to diligently keep a tab on how much water you're drinking.

10/24Keep a jug of water nearby

If you keep something where it's visible, you'll always remember to take it along if you have to or know that you have to use it time and again. Similarly, keep a jug of water where you're going to spend most of your time in the house or at work. So that you can keep sipping on water regularly.