01/9Yoga poses for thyroid problems to lead a better life

This pose stretches your neck which helps in stimulating the thyroid glands. The benefits of this asana are that it gives gentle healing suited to the needs of thyroid patients, lowers stress levels and reduces the stiffness of muscles and joints.

by Snehha Suresh

02/9Dhanurasana (The Bow Pose)

The bow pose or Dhanurasana helps to massage the thyroid gland gently and effectively. This helps the gland to produce enough hormone in order to control the thyroid. Practise this pose by lying on your stomach. Keep your feet hip-width apart and place your hands beside your body. Then carefully fold your knees and hold your ankles. It may be challenging at first, but over time you will get the hang of it.

by Darielle Britto

03/9Setubandh sarvangasana (Bridge Formation Pose)

When you practise Setubandh Sarvangasana, which is also known as the bridge formation pose, it gives your neck a good stretch which is beneficial for the thyroid gland. To do this pose, you have to lie on your back. Next, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor hip-width apart. Stay in this pose for a minute. Breathe slowly and mindfully.

by Darielle Britto

04/9Viparitakarani (Inverted Pose)

Viparita means ‘reverse’ and Karni means is ‘by which’. This yoga pose is also known as the inverted pose. It helps to ease any complications caused by the hypoactive thyroid, which in turn helps to balance out the functioning of the thyroid. It is one of the most essential asanas to practise if you have a thyroid issue. Start doing this practice for five minutes and build your way up to 20 minutes. Over time you will start to feel stronger.

by Darielle Britto

05/9Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

With the help of this pose, you can regulate the thyroid glands. This pose improves your blood circulation and the flexibility of the upper and middle back, also strengthens the entire back and shoulders, tones the abdomen, expands the chest and reduces stress and fatigue.

by Snehha Suresh

06/9Setubandhasana (Bridge Pose)

If you’re successful in doing this pose then you can stretch your neck and activate the thyroid glands. It helps in calming the brain, reducing anxiety and improving the digestion system.

by Snehha Suresh

07/9Halasana (Plough Pose)

This pose stimulates the abdominal and thyroid glands and also helps to calm the brain and reduces stress and fatigue.

by Snehha Suresh

08/9Sirshasana (Headstand Pose)

This is one of the best poses in yoga which helps in balancing the metabolic functions and brings wakefulness and alertness in the body.

by Snehha Suresh

09/9Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Pose)

This one helps in stimulating thyroid glands and it also controls thyroxin. The blood flows from the legs to the head region, which helps in mitigating thyroid.

by Snehha Suresh