Here are some possible causes of back pain

Darielle Britto | Feb 8, 2019, 16:11 IST
Experiencing back pain is no fun and can make it difficult to go about your day. Often times, our lifestyle habits may be a possible reason why we are more prone to it.

If you want to prevent back pain or protect yourself, you need to be aware of some of the causes. Here are a few habits you may want to stop today:

1. Smartphones: In most of our lives, there is no avoiding a phone. Almost all of us require it for work and to stay connected with friends. However, using it too much can pose a risk to our health. Research has found that the spine is placed under stress when using it. While on the phone, we try to bring it closer to our face and tilt out heads a lot. This can cause muscle tension which can cause back pain.

2. Lifting items: How you lift things, whether it is your handbag or child, can impact bone health. Repeatedly lifting items the wrong way can cause muscle damage over time and cause many spinal issues.

3. Diet: If you are eating a lot of the wrong things you are going to gain weight faster. The weight particularly on your tummy can cause a lot of stress on your back and causes you to experience a lot of pain. Avoid consuming dairy, sugar and sodas.

4. Spending too much time indoors: It's easy to lose track of time in this hectic day and age. While leading a sedentary life is not good in the first place, your body is missing out on vitamin D. When you are exposed to the vitamin in the sunlight, it helps to strengthen your bones and prevent early degeneration of discs and lower back pain.
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