01/5All you teenagers should follow these skincare rules for flawless skin

Get to Know Your Skin: Firstly, get to know what kind of skin you have. The most common skincare categories are sensitive, dry, normal, oily and acne-prone. Skin type is partially dependent on genetics and largely dependent on your environment, lifestyle and diet. So, while you may not be able to change the type of skin you have, you can keep it healthy by maintaining a healthy and balanced regime.

by Alisha Alam

02/5Cleanse Every Morning and Night

Timm Golüeke, a leading dermatologist, says, “as a teenager, the most important skincare step is cleansing.” He also advises that teens should look for, “anti-bacterial soaps, anti-bacterial creams, and oil-free moisturizers.” So, make sure that you use a cleanser on your face at least twice a day - once in the morning and once when you get back home.

by Alisha Alam

03/5Exfoliate Regularly

Dr. Jessica Wu, an expert dermatologist, says that it is really important to, “keep your skin exfoliated.” She also suggests that you should look for, clay containing products, which have natural antiseptic and astringent properties.” You could also use chemical exfoliators that contain salicylic acid as these will penetrate deep into your pores and clean them.

by Alisha Alam

04/5Don't Squeeze

If you see tiny pimples on your skin, please don't squeeze them. This will cause them to burst and that way bacteria will smear all around on your skin. Plus, bursting pimples will also lead to discolouration and scarring which will be a lot more difficult to get rid of than the pimple. So, don't squeeze on that pimple and remember to give it some time to heal.

by Alisha Alam

05/5Feed Your Skin From Within

Your diet also plays a huge role in what your skin looks like. Try and stay clear of oil-causing food like sugary starch. Sugar can increase inflammation in the body and this will clearly show out on your skin. Opt for healthy foods like salmon, almonds, avocados, and nuts that are rich in good fats.

by Alisha Alam