01/10These are some of the career scenarios that often happen at the workplace

Sometimes it does happen that your dream job does not meet your expectations. Golda Manuel shared her experience, “My attraction to the job was the breadth of impact I thought I could have, but there was no time to focus on one customer it was very impersonal. “I expected it to make me happy and earn me respect. Boy was I wrong.”

by Snehha Suresh

02/10You disagreed with your boss—in the open

It is better to always edit yourself before talking to your manager in the open and even otherwise. Palmer says, “Explain that you are still getting acclimated to the work world, and you realize that you were wrong to air your differences in a forum like that. Then reassure your boss that it will never happen again.”

by Snehha Suresh

03/10You blew a big presentation

If you are in a situation like this then Randall advices you be clear with your boss and explain the boss everything, “I also recommend meeting with your boss to apologize. Leave out the list of excuses and ask for an honest critique. Even if it hurts, listen, consider and apply what you’ve learned.”

by Snehha Suresh

04/10You covered up a mistake when you should have come clean

It is always good to admit your mistake and let your boss know that you have learned from that experience. Randall also advised that one should make no excuses.

by Snehha Suresh

05/10You scored a high paying job—and hate it

It is important to have a good work surrounding and at the same time, it is also essential to be motivated always. Yes, money is necessary but one should love the work they are doing. Kamara Toffolo said, “A great work environment, work-life balance, room for growth, and a supportive corporate culture are all part of the motivation equation.”

by Snehha Suresh

06/10You have a nightmare boss

The best way to handle this situation is to peacefully coexist in the office. Palmer says, “Unfortunately, in my experience, bad bosses are more plentiful than good bosses.” Randall advice, “Don’t give them anything to use against you.”

by Snehha Suresh

07/10You got passed over for a promotion—or laid off

Despite putting your 200% percent sometimes you fail. On this, the coach Kamara Toffolo said, “Getting passed over means you should keep doing a great job, but with the addition of asking for more responsibility and involvement.”

by Snehha Suresh

08/10You were too eager to say yes

Coach Kamara Toffolo, “This is a classic symptom of being a people pleaser, and something that many of us run into early in our careers. It’s perfectly acceptable to say to someone that you will check or look into something before assuring them it can be done.”

by Snehha Suresh

09/10You didn’t adequately prep for an interview

An interview always requires your valuable time and someone else’s as well. Flubbing it takes you down a few notches. So it is ideal to have a clear mind and complete focus while you’re prepping for a job interview. Here’s what Karen Robertson has to say about his experience, “I was about to get my [teaching] degree, and I was arrogant. I felt like any fool could do the job and it came off that way in the interview.”

by Snehha Suresh

10/10You’re friends or enemies! with the wrong co-workers

Sometimes expressing freely in the workplace presents a challenge for sure but also has a great opportunity to redefine who you want to be professionally moving forward. If you’re being rubbed in the wrong way then Palmer says, “Talk to them and let them know that you want a fresh start. It will take some time to rebuild the relationship, but it’s better to do that than to have to expect a knife in your back.”

by Snehha Suresh