01/26Try these tips to cope with stress

Challenging times can take a toll on a person. Stress sets in and you don't know how to cope. Feeling sad, frustrated, numbness, stomach issues, headaches and back pain are some of the symptoms of stress people tend to experience when one is in this state of mind. And unless you learn to deal with your stress the right way, it'll only make things a lot worse for you. Wondering how exactly you can cope with all that stress? Well, here are some tips that will help you out.

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02/26Be grateful

Studies have shown that practising gratitude can do wonders for boosting your mood and reducing stress levels. Begin your day by thinking of at least one thing that you're grateful for. Even something as simple as the potted plant on your desk could count. These things remind you that there's so much good that you can look at instead of the bad things.

03/26Give someone a compliment

Like the way someone's hair looks? Love how your friend's eyes sparkle when she smiles? Tell them. Giving someone a compliment doesn't just make them feel good but can also help reduce your stress levels. It might just even boost those happiness levels in your mind.

04/26Practice mindfulness and meditation

Meditation and mindfulness always helps in keeping the stress away. Both of these techniques help in decreasing emotional eating as well as keeps the stress to bare minimum.

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05/26Laugh as much and as often as you can

Laughter truly is the best therapy. It has both short term and long term benefits for your health. Listen to funny podcasts or watch funny videos whenever you get the time. It'll help take things off your mind and will also increase the feel-good hormones in your body.

06/26Listen to soothing music

Music is a healer of all times and there are no two ways about it. Music is one of the best solutions for dealing with stress. Whenever you feel that stress is kicking in, you can plug in your headphones and put on some soothing music or happy tunes that can bring you to a better mood.

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07/26Let go or delegate work

If you know you're too worked up which is adding to your stress levels, you must learn to delegate work to your co-workers so that not everything piles on you. If there's too much on your plate, know that you don't have to hold on to everything, sometimes just let go of what's bothering you. It'll release your stress to great extent.

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08/26Try relaxation techniques

When you are in a state of panic and don't know what to do, try some relaxation techniques that have been proven to be quite effective. You could try self-hypnosis or focus on positive affirmations that have special meaning to you. There are a variety of relaxation techniques to choose from. Experiment with various types and find the one that works best for you to deal with stressful times.

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09/26Eat dark chocolate

Dark chocolate isn't meant for all, but it works for some people when they're stressed out. It is that indulgence that can make you feel better with just a piece of it. Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants that can lower the levels of stress hormones in your body.

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10/26Try to think positive

More often than not, stress usually occurs because we get stuck with negative thoughts in our mind. Learn to identify the stressor and instead of thinking about all the negative outcomes, think about how things might work out. The more positive your mind is, the less stressed out you'll feel.