Here's how being sarcastic to your partner can be harmful to your relationship

Alisha Alam | May 20, 2019, 16:41 IST
It's no secret that we all loved Chandler's wit and sarcasm. While he left us with quite a few memorable jokes, being sarcastic in real life can actually become a pain especially when you're in a relationship. Why, you ask? Experts suggest that often sarcastic people don't realise that they need to draw the line somewhere. They express their feelings and they comment on their partners in such a way that it can actually cause the relationship to turn sour. Here's how being overly sarcastic to your partner can start affecting your relationship in harmful ways.

- Loss of trust: You can't keep taking personal digs at someone and then expect them to trust you wholeheartedly. Your partner will slowly start to lose trust and confidence in you and will eventually give up on you completely.

- Your partner may feel manipulated: You have a way with words and you use them to throw shade at your partner so obviously they're going to feel that you're trying to use your 'superior intellect' to manipulate them into feeling inferior.

- Insulting them in subtle ways: An insult is an insult no matter how you put it. So, if you think that you can disguise an insult and get away with it, trust us you're wrong. Communication is the key when it comes to dealing with relationship issues so instead of passing snide comments you should take charge and have an actual conversation with your partner.

- It affects their self-confidence: As we mentioned earlier, you have a way with words which probably works to your advantage when you have an argument with your partner. But of course, this will leave your partner feeling like they've lost all their confidence and are unworthy of your love.

- Your remarks may leave scars that will never heal: Yes, we all think that words don't hurt all that much but they actually do. By saying mean and awful things you're actually hurting someone's mental peace and leaving scars behind that may never heal.

So, the next time you have the urge to be sarcastic towards your partner just remember that words hurt and the more you use them in the wrong ways the worse it is going to be for your relationship. Stay tuned for more updates.

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