01/11Did you know there were health benefits of hugging?

Boosts oxytocin levels: When you hug someone, it helps release a hormone in your brain known as oxytocin. This is the hormone that is responsible for making you feel happy. So, hugging someone can actually help combat feelings of loneliness, isolation, and anger.

by Alisha Alam

02/11Can help you communicate your feelings

Sometimes when we can't express the way we feel with a person, the next best thing to do is to hug that person. “Touch is the first of our senses to develop in the womb and reaches maturity well before the other senses do,” says psychologist Danielle Forshee. Because of this, hugging can actually help develop a person's emotional well-being.

by Alisha Alam

03/11Makes you less nervous

All you people with anxiety, here's one more reason why you need hugs in your life. It was found that people who get nervous easily can do really well with a 20-second hug from the people they love. So, as compared to people who did not receive any hugs, these people fared a lot better.

by Alisha Alam

04/11Can be a form of pain relief

Hugging can also be a form of pain relief for people. One way it can do that is by releasing endorphins which can block the pain pathways and another way it can get rid of pain is by improving blood circulation which gets rid of pain peptides.

by Alisha Alam

05/11Hugs help you manage conflict

Conflicts can be rough. You feel stuck in a situation you don't know how to resolve and can't see a solution to it. Sometimes when there are no words left to say, a hug can break the ice and create some peace. Researchers found hugs helped combat bad feelings in close to 400 participants soon after they were involved in a conflict. The next time you find yourself in a bad situation let a hug work its magic.

by Darielle Britto

06/11Hugging can improve your physical performance

Struggling with your exercise? Get involved in a group hug. Studies have found athletes performed extremely well after they exhibited physical comradery. Teams that are among the highest ranking have shown the most touch-bonding. So if you want to improve your workouts get to hugging people.

by Darielle Britto

07/11Hugging makes you feel less lonely

We live in a digital age and are more connected with people than ever before. However, it is not physical and that is where we are lacking in staying tune with each other. Spending too much time on a social network platform can make us feel more isolated and more alone. This isn't healthy for our mental health and could result in depression. Hugging can help tackle that lonely feeling by releasing positive hormones that help us feel more connected to people.

by Darielle Britto

08/11Stimulates the thymus gland

The thymus gland is located behind your sternum and between your lungs. It is known to regulate and balance the production of white blood cells in the body. So apart from having mental benefits for you, hugging someone can also result in physical benefits for your body.

by Alisha Alam

09/11Releases stress

Hugging someone can work in a great way to help release some stress from your body and mind. When you get stressed your muscles also tend to get tense. When you hug someone, the release or hormones can also help relax those tense muscles.

by Alisha Alam

10/11Activate pressure receptors

Yet another benefit of getting a hug is that it can activate certain pressure receptors in your body. One of these receptors is called corpuscles and they are responsible to keep your blood pressure low and balanced. And as long as your blood pressure is low, your stress levels will also remain low.

by Alisha Alam