01/5All the ways in which multani mitti will come to your hair's rescue

Cleanses your scalp: Commercial shampoos tend to strip off the natural oils from your scalp. Which is why if you have an oily scalp you should wash your scalp with multani mitti as it happens to be a lot safer than shampoos. It will rid your scalp of the excess oil while also ensuring not to strip the natural oils.

by Alisha Alam

02/5Improves your hair's texture

Who said you only have to use conditioner on your hair to make it smooth and silky? Multani mitti works just as well. In fact, it can work wonders in nourishing and conditioning your hair and even repairs damaged hair. So say goodbye to split ends and let multani mitti work its magic on your hair.

by Alisha Alam

03/5Removes toxins

It's a given that once you step out of the house, you're bound to get all sorts of dirt and grime in your hair owing to the pollution and dust outside. Add to that sweat and you've got the perfect recipe for dandruff. Multani mitti helps cleanse your scalp and gets rid of all this dirt, grime and sweat.

by Alisha Alam

04/5Cures infections

Anyone who has ever suffered from a scalp infection knows just how annoying and tiresome it can be to cure it. Multani mitti can instantly soothe an aggravated scalp. It will give your hair a cooling effect that will calm your frayed nerves while also getting rid of your infection.

by Alisha Alam

05/5Improves blood circulation

Multani mitti can help improve blood circulation which is why every time you wash your scalp and hair it with it, you'll feel a lot better. Not only will it nourish your hair follicles but it will also help your hair grow longer and stronger.

by Alisha Alam