Here's how you can deal with allergies the right way!

Alisha Alam | Oct 31, 2018, 15:55 IST
As soon as the season changes, it brings with it all sorts of allergies that result in sneezing, runny nose and a weak immune system. And what do we do the moment this happens? We run to our medicine cabinet to pop a few pills. What if instead, you could just opt for some natural remedies? Here’s what nutritionists Tripti Tandon and Tapasya Mundhra suggest you should do to get rid of your allergies.

Probiotics: Opt for probiotics as they have both anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, which helps combat symptoms of allergic rhinitis and asthma. You can find probiotics in foods like yoghurt, sauerkraut and kimchi.

Sinus clearing spices: Opt for spices such as cayenne pepper, ginger and garlic which can help clear the nasal passage and your sinuses. They contain a chemical compound called capsaicin which can break up congestion and also works well in relieving headaches.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C can really work wonders to reduce the histamine levels in your body. It works as an antioxidant and helps reduce inflammation caused by the free radicals. Opt for foods like oranges, strawberry, cabbage etc.

Magnesium: Magnesium happens to be a natural bronchodilator which means it has a calming effect on the muscles of the bronchial tubes in the lungs. This can help people with asthma. Opt for foods like spinach, kale, legumes, and cashew nuts, as they are rich in magnesium.

Well, we hope these tips will help you. Stay tuned for more updates.

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