01/20Try these lifestyle changes for better health

The choices you make define you. They make you who you are. So, when you make bad lifestyle choices, it affects you in negative ways like affecting your health and causing issues like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Good lifestyle choices can do a lot to improve your health both physically and mentally. So, wouldn't it be better to opt for choices that will significantly improve your lifestyle? Here are some things to take into consideration.

by Alisha Alam

02/20Track your budget for a month

Download a tracking app on your phone and keep entering all the purchases you've made into it. Keep adding stuff throughout the month and at the end of four weeks, review your budget. This will help show you if you've made any useless purchases and it'll also help save your money.

03/20Plan a simple reward for yourself

Sometimes all you need is to reward yourself for doing things right. Say you went to the gym 5 days a week, so you reward yourself with a tiny bar of chocolate at the end of the week, or you buy something fancy for yourself if you've completed all your deadlines and so on. It'll keep you motivated to be on the right track.

04/20Drink water before your preferred morning drink

Most of us opt for tea or coffee in the morning before we get to work and while that may help you feel like you'll be energised throughout the day, the fixes these drinks provide are only temporary. Drinking water first thing in the morning will not only flush toxins from your system but will also help improve your metabolism. So, you'll even end up feeling refreshed.

05/20Sit up straight

Poor posture can make things really bad for you. From fatigue to back problems you're bound to feel awful if you don't sit the right way. So, make sure that you sit up straight as long as you can and you'll notice a significant difference in your mood too.

06/20Sleep early

Most of us have irregular sleep cycles these days and hardly get the suggested 8 hours of sleep per night. However, this can lead to multiple health issues and can also increase the risk of suffering from heart disease or stroke. "If you're consistently sleep-deprived, going to bed even 15 minutes earlier every night could help," says an expert.


"Regularly stretching your muscles helps you avoid injuries, stay limber and move freely as you age," says an expert. You don't have to do this very prominently, all you need to do is take a few minutes out of your schedule and stretch your limbs and body. It'll really help improve your posture and will also boost your mood.

08/20Eat your veggies!

We're sure your mum always insisted on you eating your veggies and for good reason! They contain a ton of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that can help keep you healthy and fit and can also improve your mood. So, the healthier food you eat, the better you'll feel.

09/20Opt for 5 meals a day

We know what you're thinking but this is not a lot. You need to ensure that you eat normal amounts of food 5 times a day as this will help improve your metabolism and will also ensure you don't eat unnecessary junk due to sudden cravings.

10/20Try to buy groceries online

We know this sounds difficult but there are so many apps and websites that deliver groceries right to your doorstep. And what's best about these is that you end up only buying the things that you need. When you go to a grocery store, you're a lot more likely to buy things impulsively. So, this shift in buying only necessary items will not only save your money but will also help you make healthier choices.