01/5These tips to stay healthy should be included in your daily diet

Don't skip meals: We cannot begin to emphasise on how important this is. It is merely a myth that skipping meals will do your body good. A lot of people end up skipping breakfast which is really bad for the body. Skipping meals lowers your energy level, lowers your immunity and also slows down your metabolism. To make sure that your mind and body is healthy you need to eat small portions at regular intervals.

by Alisha Alam

02/5Cook For Yourself

Cooking is a healthy exercise for the mind and body alike. If you cook for yourself you know exactly what goes into your body, which is a lot better than eating all the junk food you order from outside. Plus, you'll also save a lot of money by cooking your own food. Eventually, healthy food will make you feel more energised and this will help you regulate your weight.

by Alisha Alam

03/5Portion Control

Now it's not like you have to give up on food you like altogether. You can still have bigger portions of meals as long as they're healthy. Try to cut down on the unhealthy food and have smaller portions of thing such as chocolates, desserts and alcohol. The same goes for a salad. Try to limit the dressing to a couple of tablespoons only.

by Alisha Alam

04/5Drink More Water

It's no secret that you need to drink a lot of water to stay healthy. Amongst its many benefits water improves digestion, relieves fatigue, aids in weight loss and flushes out toxins. In fact, it also prevents hangovers if you supplement your alcohol with a few glasses of water. What more could you want?

by Alisha Alam

05/5More Fruits and Vegetables

It is absolutely vital to include fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Fruits and vegetables contain all the necessary nutrients like vitamins and minerals as well as added benefits like anti-oxidants, dietary fibers and your daily dose of required sugar. And the best part about fruits is that you can eat as many as you want.

by Alisha Alam